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BYT A3.501
Status Booked
Usable floor area (m²) 31,3 m2
Disposition 1KK
Price (CZK) CZK
BYT A3.502
Status Booked
Usable floor area (m²) 38,8 m2
Disposition 1KK
Price (CZK) CZK
BYT A3.503
Status Sold
BYT A3.504
Status Free
Usable floor area (m²) 114,6 m2
Disposition 3KK
Price (CZK) 14 997 806 CZK
BYT A3.505
Status Free
Usable floor area (m²) 113,5 m2
Disposition 3KK
Price (CZK) 15 982 896 CZK
BYT A3.506
Status Sold
BYT A3.507
Status Booked
Usable floor area (m²) 33,9 m2
Disposition 1KK
Price (CZK) CZK
BYT A3.508
Status Free
Usable floor area (m²) 48,1 m2
Disposition 1KK
Price (CZK) 6 450 155 CZK
BYT A3.509
Status Free
Usable floor area (m²) 67,8 m2
Disposition 2KK
Price (CZK) 9 302 056 CZK
BYT A3.510
Status Free
Usable floor area (m²) 77,7 m2
Disposition 3KK
Price (CZK) 11 374 525 CZK
BYT A3.511
Status Sold
Name / designation Disposition Price (CZK) Status Usable floor area (m²) Garage space for sale
BYT A3.501 1KK CZK Booked 31,3
BYT A3.502 1KK CZK Booked 38,8
BYT A3.504 3KK 14 997 806 CZK Free 114,6 E-13, E-12
BYT A3.505 3KK 15 982 896 CZK Free 113,5 E-07, E-08
BYT A3.507 1KK CZK Booked 33,9
BYT A3.508 1KK 6 450 155 CZK Free 48,1
BYT A3.509 2KK 9 302 056 CZK Free 67,8 E-17
BYT A3.510 3KK 11 374 525 CZK Free 77,7 E-05, E-06